It is truly the most wonderful time of the year! Season’s greetings are shared and presents are wrapped under the trees. Little ones eagerly wait to see if they made the nice list, and peek to see if their wish list made it to the north pole as they rip open their carefully wrapped gifts. But there is a Greater gift that has been given to for us all, young and old.
The Gift that keeps giving, Jesus Christ the Messiah. God in the form of man, wrapped in a lowly manger thousands of years ago, and revealed to us now as the Savior of the world. He Himself is the ultimate Gift for us all. Granting us access to our Heavenly Father and the promise of an eternal home with Him in Heaven for those who believe.
People of God awaited His coming for years before, and His glory was known even to Isaiah the prophet in this verse of chapter 9. God’s people waited in expectance for this “Wonderful Counselor” and now we wait again for His second coming. But this phrase, Wonderful Counselor, means more than our language can ascribe to the words. Jesus Himself is a Wonder to us, the original Christmas miracle, who serves as a Counselor, meaning to advise or determine. Jesus was a walking miracle of God that came to change the course of history through His work on the cross!
In this festive season, may we rejoice deeply in the miracle of Jesus and praise Him for the Wonderful, miraculous gift we have in Him that has changed our lives forever!
Written by: Hope Kiser