Whether we are putting a turkey in the oven, driving out of town to see distant relatives, or daring to venture out for black Friday shopping… Thanksgiving week holds full schedules for us all. With stores already putting up Christmas décor, it is tempting to hustle through this holiday and get a head start on the next one! But if we slow down long enough to actually be present during this time, we learn a valuable lesson from this brief holiday that can be carried on throughout the year.
“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thanksgiving is a wonderful day to celebrate with family, food, and festive traditions. But the good news for those who are in Christ is that we have a reason to rejoice in every season! Regardless of what temporary triumph or struggle we face, we can delight in all circumstances because of the everlasting gift we have in Jesus. It is in light of this truth that we are thankful not only on this day, but every day. Let us gather at the table this week with grateful hearts that continue to celebrate throughout the year.
What an exciting opportunity to live in this attitude of thanksgiving, and what a blessing it is that we truly have so much to be thankful for!
Written by: Hope Kiser