The coolness of fresh cut grass paves the path beneath the tiny feet of little ones running around on a peaceful Sunday afternoon, searching for hidden treasures in grandma’s backyard. It’s that time of year again, the annual Easer Egg Hunt has begun.
Most of us have participated, witnessed, or at least heard of this fun festivity that coincides with the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ- the savior of the world who conquered death so that we who believe in Him can have eternal life! From coloring eggs, cute decorations, Easter egg hunting, presents from the Easter bunny, family dinners, or simply attending a Church service, tradition matters to us all.
But perhaps a verse from 2 Chronicles 16 can bring new sentiment to this year’s Easter Egg Hunt:

Picture eager children racing through the yard, looking expectantly to find an egg full of some glorious, candy-filled treasure. Running from egg to egg, throwing out the empty ones and anxiously awaiting the moment they hit the jackpot. Then I just imagine our loving Father!
The eyes of God search the depths of the human heart, waiting for one fully committed to His purposes so He can show Himself strong to them. Just as a child shouts for joy upon finally finding an egg full of treasures, so the loving Father rejoices when He discovers a son or daughter devoted to Him! This treasure is much more precious than candy, it’s the greatest gift we could offer- a heart fully committed to Him. Therein lies a faith proved of more worth than gold. Oh how God takes pleasure in those who delight in Him!
As God looks across the earth… what will He find when He opens your heart? Whatever it may be, know that by grace through faith in Jesus, the Father can smile upon you as His child. He is our true treasure, greater than anything you can find in a plastic egg or Easter basket. Our eternal Hope of glory looks for us, may we be found faithful to Him!
By: Hope Kiser