The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting:

God’s people had been waiting hundreds of years for the glorious day their Savior would come. From generation to generation, the hope of a coming King lived on. Here He was, making His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem as Messiah! Fulfilling prophecy, He came riding in on a donkey looking over the people He would soon be crucified for.
Now thousands of years later, we celebrate in worship of the same King, Jesus Christ our Lord. We remember His death, burial, and resurrection, and we rejoice in the saving grace we share with all the saints! But still, something similar can be found in the posture of our hearts as those who waited patiently for Jesus that very first Palm Sunday… Hope!
Just as our ancestors in the faith anticipated the first coming of Jesus, we wait in hopeful expectation for Him to return!
While the world today is full of different faces and names, our stories are still the same. We remain in desperate need of a Savior who can give us forgiveness of sins and redeem our relationship with the one true God. The good news for us today is that Jesus has already come. It is finished, and He has risen!
Joy finds us in the waiting that remains for our King to return, bringing our faith to sight! We praise Him now, shouting, “Hosanna!” trusting that He came and is coming again.
By: Hope Kiser