“How do you come up with the designs of your products?”
There is design inspiration all around us… you just have to LOOK.
The decorative patterns of our Go Forth Scripture cards can be found wherever you look if you open your eyes to the creativity that surrounds you.
Everywhere from Istanbul to Spain, we find design inspiration — gorgeous ancient Moroccan tiles and patterns along the streets, in homes and in the decor. These man-made patterns are inspired by the order and repetition in God’s creation. But these days you don’t have to trek overseas to enjoy the richness of these patterns! Bold graphic styles inspired by these ancient cultures are all the rage in home decor and design at the moment.

We just LOVE this stuff. Eye candy everywhere. Beautiful tiles, graphic pillows, starburst mirrors… they all provide inspiration for our graphic design work. It’s influences like these that motivate our design and our desire to see the incredible world God created and how the world’s cultures interpret His creation. So gorgeous. So much to see. So little time.

These design influences are incorporated into Our Go Forth Scripture Truths. Each card features a bold graphic pattern, inspired by our exploration of the world around us!