“He was despised and rejected- a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.” –Isaiah 53:3
In Isaiah, we find prophecy about the brutal crucifixion of Jesus. The unthinkable pain and unimaginable death He bravely chose to suffer so we could have life. Our debt was great and the payment was eternal separation from the Father. But God sent Jesus to take on the sins of man and the wrath of our justifying Father to suffer punishment we deserved.
“Sent of heaven God’s own Son
To purchase and redeem
And reconcile the very ones
Who nailed Him to that tree”
In the song “Man of Sorrows” by Hillsong, the gift of salvation through Jesus is recalled through beautiful poetry. These words remind us of the wounds Jesus bore, and the healing we received from them. But let us not be too quick to pass over the lonely suffering experienced by Jesus on the dark day He cried out in grief on the cross.
It is uncomfortable to dwell on the pain of Jesus inflicted on Him by the very people He came to save. But incredibly reassuring to know the depth this adds to the saving power of Jesus and the great compassion He has shown us through His sacrificial love.
By: Hope Kiser